

The Waterloo centre offers access to a wide range of specialised facilities, including the state-of-the-art Morley Radio station booths,  fully fitted music production spaces, gallery spaces for artist shows and dedicated studios for everything from drama  and dance to ceramics  and glassmaking.

The Chelsea Centre for the Creative Industries is dedicated to the development of Arts, Design, Media and Technology practice.  Our exhibition spaces,  arts studios and dedicated Esports studio help students learn with industry professionals in environments specifically designed for  creative practice

Over the next year, the  North Kensington centre is  going to be transformed  inside and out with a new  entryway and new facilities. In the meantime, our new Morley Radio recording booths are now live and broadcasting across London and beyond

Professional performers

  Fenella Barker is professional    dancer,  teacher and    choreographer. Since 1990,    she has worked nationally    and internationally as a dancer,    teacher and choreographer    and has been teaching    Flamenco & Spanish dance    at Morley for nearly    25 years

Celebrated creators

Printmaking staff  Michelle Avison and  Paul Dewis are exhibiting in Pleasure Scene after an 18 month collaborative project with 7 other artists. The exhibition also includes work by photography tutor Estelle Vincent. The exhibition is at newly opened contemporary art space Trafalgar Avenue, set up by ex-Morley Printmaking  student Graham Martin who  is now in the final year  MA Painting at the RCA