Showcasing Dance

Welcome to our dance showcase. In this section you’ll discover a celebration of achievement through performance at Morley College London. Browse through the performances of students who have trained with us.

Find out more about our dance courses.


Flamenco is a passionate and rhythmic Spanish dance, characterized by intricate footwork, expressive arm movements, and emotional intensity. Our courses in flamenco offer the opportunity to explore its rich traditions, improve coordination, and develop a deeper connection to rhythm and emotion in dance.

Watch our students dancing flamenco:


Rhythm tap

Rhythm tap is a dynamic dance style focused on combining dance and rhythm, turning the body into an instrument.

Watch our students performing rhythm tap:

Rhythm tap


English country dancing is a traditional social dance form featuring lively group patterns, graceful movements, and simple steps. It fosters teamwork, coordination, and community spirit through its inclusive nature.

Watch our students performing English country dancing:

English country dancing


Cuban dancing is a lively fusion of Afro-Cuban rhythms and Latin styles, known for its energetic footwork and vibrant body movements. Students can attend our courses to experience its cultural richness, enhance coordination, and explore rhythmic expression.

Watch our students performing Cuban rhythms and dance:

Cuban rhythms and dance

Dance stretch

Dance stretch enhances flexibility, posture, and muscle strength, making movements more fluid and graceful. It helps prevent injuries by preparing the body for the physical demands of dance. Students can follow a short course in dance stretch to develop these skills and improve on their overall performance and body awareness.

Students of dance stretch

Watch our students of dance stretch:

Dance stretch


Students dancing jazz dance

Jazz dance is a vibrant and expressive style blending sharp, energetic movements with fluid grace. Our courses give students the chance to improve their versatility and coordination, and unleash their creativity through dynamic choreography.


Kathak is a classical Indian dance form known for its intricate footwork, graceful spins, and expressive storytelling through movement. Students attending a Kathak course have the chance to connect with its rich cultural heritage, improve rhythm, and develop storytelling skills through dance.

Students performing kathak dance

Watch our students performing kathak dance:

Kathak dance


Our dance courses are fun and immersive, offering students the chance to perform blends of different forms of dance with other genres of performance.

Watch a clip from a Shakespeare and Flamenco performance:

Shakespeare and Flamenco


German Tanztheater blends dance and theatrical elements, combining expressive movement and narrative. It combines classical dance with avant-garde techniques, focusing on storytelling. Students of Tanztheater can enhance their performance skills, explore innovative choreography, and gain insight into the powerful fusion of dance and theatre.

Watch a performance of German Tanztheater:

German Tanztheater


Tap dancing enhances coordination, timing, and musicality. Our courses offer students the opportunity to develop rhythm skills, build endurance, and explore a fun, creative form of self-expression.

Watch our students performing tap:


Find out more about our dance courses.