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RFSA Bursary Fund Application Form 2024-25
Please read
this guide
before completing the form below
RFSA Bursary Application Form 2024-25
Information collected on this form is requested to allow us to fulfil our contractual obligation with the RFSA (Royal Female School of Art) in relation to the distribution of student support funds. We will never share this information with a third party outside the RFSA. We may use the information to contact you directly in relation to your application. All your information will be kept securely. For further information on Data Protection at Morley please refer to our Privacy Notice at
Please complete this Application Form, and upload all relevant evidence
Once this form has been submitted it will be sent to the department and your tutor for approval. If you have been awarded fees towards your course this will be automatically be added to your course. If you have been awarded materials or travel money this will be paid directly to you. We will contact you about amounts and when the payments will be made. Please note, funds are limited and eligibility for the fund does not guarantee a grant will be made
Personal details
Student Reference Number
0 of 8 max characters
Your Name
Date of birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Please tick if you are transgender
Ethnicity – What is your ethnic group? Choose the option that best describes your ethnic group or background.
White English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish/ British
White Irish
White Roma or Irish Traveller
Any other White background
Mixed White and Black Caribbean
Mixed White and Black African
Mixed White and Asian
Any other Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic background
Asian/ Asian British/ Indian
Asian/ Asian British/ Pakistani
Asian/ Asian British/ Bangladeshi
Asian/ Asian British/ Chinese
Any other Asian background
Black/ African / Caribbean / Black British/ African
Black/ African / Caribbean / Black British/ Caribbean
Any other Black/ African / Caribbean / background
Any other ethnic group
Do you have a disability or learning difficulty?
If you answered yes to the above please give brief details
Street Address
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Course Details
Course Code
Course Title
Details of Financial Circumstances
Please provide full details of the money you receive each month, you will be asked to upload supporting evidence.
Monthly Household Income
Monthly Wages:
If nothing please put £0
Monthly Benefits:
If nothing please put £0
Any Other Income e.g. Student Loan
If nothing please put £0
Supporting Documents
We need to see evidence of your household income as indicated above. You can upload more than 1 item of evidence and this can include recent bank statements, benefit documents (dated within the last three months), payslips, medical documents (if applicable), or any other information which is relevant. If applying for specific materials / travel please attach any receipts. Your application will be delayed if you do not attach copies of the documents which support your claim.
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 500 MB.
The answers to these questions will be your supporting statement
Household Situation
Single Parent?
Are you a primary carer?
Are you in secure housing?
Please tick any of the boxes that are relevant to you
Are you going on to further study?
Please answer Yes or No and if Yes please give details
Are you progressing to employment in art and design?
Please answer Yes or No and if Yes please give details
Do you feel there are any emerging barriers to your learning?
Please answer Yes or No and if Yes please give details
Please enter anything else relevant to your application below
BACS Payment Details – only for Materials & Travel Payments
Information collected here is requested for processing payments in relation to the distribution of RFSA student support funds. We will never share this information with a third party. We may use the information to contact you directly in relation to your application. All your information will be kept securely. For further information on Data Protection at Morley please refer to our Privacy Notice at
Bank Name
e.g. Barclays
Name of Account Holder:
Bank Account Number
0 of 8 max characters
Sort Code
Please enter in format XX-XX-XX
0 of 8 max characters
Declaration of Student
Student Signature, please type your full name
Please enter today's date
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Morley College London
Morley College London, Chelsea (SW10 0QS) North Kensington (W10 5QQ) Waterloo (SE1 7HT) T: 020 7450 1889 E: W: Morley College Limited is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 2829836. Registered charity No. 1023523.