Facilities at Waterloo
Studying at Morley provides you with access to a wide range of facilities and services.
Our facilities at Waterloo
Services at Waterloo include:
- spacious, well-equipped classrooms
- specialist facilities for music, art and design, dance, science and drama
- our Library and Learning Centre with resources, computers and internet access
- the Refectory, our College cafeteria
- supportive, friendly staff and tutors.
Wheelchair Access
Wheelchair access is available to most parts of the College and we are working
to improve access even further. There are step-free entrances at the front and rear of the main site, which provide access to most classrooms, the Library, and toilets (second floor via lifts).
If you require wheelchair access we can issue you with an entry fob to open the rear entrance door for a small charge that is refundable on return.
We regret that currently some art and design workshops and the drama studio are inaccessible by wheelchair. Step-free access to the second floor of the Nancy Seear building is by stairlift only.
Music Practice Rooms
Practice rooms are available for hire to enrolled students. There is a hire charge per hour, plus a key deposit. Keys can be collected from Student Services.
Practice rooms are not available at all times during the day, as they are used for classes and for ad hoc events such as exams. The schedule of times for each room is posted in the practice room corridor and near
the music teaching rooms. Rooms are not bookable in advance. If you are coming in especially to use a practice room, check availability beforehand with Student Services on 020 7450 1865.
Pianos within the College are not normally available outside class times and students may not practise in classrooms without prior agreement.
For more information contact Student Services on 020 7450 1865, or the Music Department on 020 7450 1838.
Prayer Facilities
Whilst we don’t have designated prayer facilities, we are happy to accommodate requests at Reception and will work to find you a suitable space.
Cycle Facilities
Cycle racks are available outside the College’s main entrance and in the car park. Bikes are left at the owner’s risk. There is also a London cycle hire scheme docking station in King Edward Walk, next to the main College building. Bikes, skates and scooters are not allowed within the College buildings.
The College is unable to guarantee parking for students.
Blue Badge holders have priority and can use the College car park in order to gain easy access to the College buildings. As these spaces are limited, parking will need to be booked in/agreed with Security prior to arrival.
There is a photocopier for student use in the Lower Library, which can copy up to A3 in colour as well as black and white. You can also use the photocopier to scan and print documents from memory sticks.
Prices are displayed in the Lower Library.
Changing Rooms
There are changing rooms with showers and lockers in the basement of the main building. Lockers are coin-operated (£1 refunded) and must be emptied at the end of each day. Any belongings left overnight may be removed and placed in lost property. In this case, the £1 deposit will not be refunded. Lost property will be disposed of within two weeks. A few lockers can be hired by the term for a refundable £10 deposit. Please ask Student Services for an application form. The College can accept no liability for any loss or damage to property left in lockers or changing rooms.
Dogs on College Premises
Dogs, with the exception of assistance dogs, are not permitted on the College premises.
All Morley College buildings (including the internal courtyard) are 100% non-smoking premises, including electronic cigarettes. We ask that all students who wish to smoke do so outside, away from all entrances, and use the bins provided to dispose of rubbish.
Waste Management
Morley is a zero-waste ‘to landfill’ site with the majority of the College’s waste being recycled and the rest being turned into energy. Please help us maintain this by using the appropriate bins provided.
Energy Management
Please help to save energy by closing doors and windows in classrooms when air conditioning or heating is being used, turning lights and electrical equipment off, and turning water taps off when not needed. Due to previous incidents, students should not plug their own electronic items into the College’s electrical supply outside of the designated area in the Library. Such electrical items should not be left unattended.
Eating and Drinking
We ask that students do not consume food or drink in classrooms, corridors or other communal areas (other than the Refectory and the seating area in the new Reception), with the exception of bottled water. No liquids are permitted at all within the digital design and fashion studios.