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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability No
  • Tutor Sharon Steed
  • Course Code W24FASC10A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Explore the world of Tudor and Elizabeth hats and headwear. Running in conjunction with our Tudor and Elizabethan Gowns, Tudor and Elizabethan Doublets and Hose and Tudor Corsetry courses this stand out stand alone millinery course lets you explore some of the most intriguing hat styles created by Western civilisation. Perfect for a trip to Stratford or Hampton Court or to visit The Tower of London these are much sought after skills for film, media, television and the theatre as well as for personal re-enactment projects. Negotiate a project from the period in accordance with your existing skill set and be challenged to build on and expand on your practice when joining at a higher level. All guided by our professional tutors who work in the field. PLEASE NOTE: some work at home between classes will be required to achieve the best results.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Use buckram as a foundation for a fabric covered vintage style hat or headpiece
  • Use a flat pattern and blocking to construct a vintage style hat or headpiece
  • Use appropriate techniques and finishing methods to construct a hat
  • Identify and apply professional techniques for keeping a vintage style hat or headpiece securely attached to the head

Class format and activities

Teaching is both to the whole class and on an individual, one-to-one basis using demonstrations, discussion, examples, samples, hand-outs and other technical support material where appropriate. You will receive feedback throughout your course to help you develop your skills. For you to be able to achieve on this practical class punctuality and attendance are key. Please inform your tutor of any absences. Microsoft Teams will be used for general class specific communication and for posting additional information. Health and safety inductions are planned into your course delivery, and you are asked not to use any machinery or specialist equipment until you have received specific training. Morley provides a positive and friendly atmosphere and to support this all students should be considerate and kind and work in a collegiate and collaborative way and to not monopolise the tutor.

Entry requirements

This is a mixed level course, all are welcome. Basic hand sewing skills are essential.

What you need to know before you enrol

Activities in class can involve standing at high tables for a period of time. Please let the tutor know if this would be difficult for you. Sewing machines have a foot operated speed control. The fashion studios are on the first floor of the Nancy Seear building and there is lift access to the first floor. Please note the eating and drinking is not allowed in the fashion studios - you are allowed to have bottled water. Students must be able to read, write and understand fluent English. Digital, mathematics and numeracy skills are desirable but not essential.

What you need

A basic sewing kit: sharp fabric scissors, trimming scissors, dressmaker’s pins, tape measure a variety of hand sewing needles and sewing threads. Small jewellery type pliers/wire cutters. An apron to protect your clothes. A basic note taking kit: notepad, pens, pencils, sharpener, rubber, calculator, A4 ring binder for hand outs. You must provide your own materials, haberdashery, threads, etc. for your projects and this will be discussed towards the beginning of your course. Some specialised materials, including calico for toiling, are available for purchase from your tutor at cost price. Some pattern cutting and garment construction tools are provided for use in the studio Paper and card are available for use in the studio. Depending on your class you may need to purchase a sewing machine bobbin from your tutor for £1, refundable at the end of the course.

What you can do next

Ready for more? So are we! Try some of our other vintage Millinery course next to continue building on your skills or explore some of our many costuming courses. Continue your journey with us in a variety of engaging courses on offer all the way up to a full BA (Hons) in Fashion Design. Visit today for more inspiration and information!
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