When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Rachel Warr
  • Course Code W24DMAB11A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Toy Theatre, also known as Paper Theatre, is a form of a homemade model theatre where scenes or dramas can be performed with miniature backdrops and figures. Particular popular in the UK in the C19th and still popular in Europe and north America where there are festivals dedicated to Toy Theatre performances, including contemporary work that combine traditional methods with modern technology and contemporary narratives. This course will include a mix of looking at examples of Toy Theatre and creating your own version. The course will include a class visit to Pollock’s Toy Museum, with access to their historic examples of Toy Theatres and discussion with their curator. In class we will include look at modern examples of Toy Theatre, and study both construction techniques used and the artistic content presented. Students will then be supported to develop their own version. This will include building their own personalised Toy Theatre using simple materials such as mount board and card, designing and making the characters and scenery to fit inside it, and developing a short piece of drama to perform with it. There will be support in all aspect of this project (designing, constructing, decorating, writing and developing a performance). There will be an opportunity, for those who would like, to present their work to an audience, either through a display of the Toy Theatre they have made or a performance of the short drama they have developed.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Use knowledge you have learned about the history and contemporary practice of Toy Theatre
  • Make a Toy Theatre using simple materials
  • Use knowledge you have learned about the history and contemporary practice of Toy Theatre
  • Present your own short Toy Theatre model / performance.
  • Make a Toy Theatre using simple materials
  • Present your own short Toy Theatre model / performance.

Class format and activities

The classes are in-person. Students will be supported to engage in activities: a mix of discussion and practical work, which will include designing, constructing, decorating and fitting out the Toy Theatre using simple materials such as paper/card. Writing and presenting a very short Toy Theatre performance. Classes will involve working solo, engaging in group discussion, sharing ideas and working towards a common goal in a supported environment. The tutor, Rachel Warr, is a theatre maker with extensive puppetry and dramaturg experience

Entry requirements

None required

What you need

Clothes which are easy to move in; a willingness to take part and to collaborate with others.

What you can do next

You can follow this work with further puppetry courses at Morley, including: General introduction to puppetry; Object theatre; Writing for puppetry and visual theatre; Puppetry audition techniques. This course is ideal for anyone interested in making models, creating drama or performing.