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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Colin Pink
  • Course Code W24PDGB07A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course comprises 6 Sessions: 1. Art of the Sublime – we will examine how notions of the sublime have been reflected in art made from the 19thc through to contemporary art. 2. Art of the Uncanny and Abject – we will see how these key psychological ideas are reflected in wide range of art works. 3. Existentialism and Post WWII Art– we will see how existentialist ideas are embodied in art made from 1945-1960 in Europe and the USA. 4. Revolutionary Art - Cobra and Situationism – we will look at the work of artists groups who had revolutionary aims. 5. Art and Feminism – we look at different waves of feminist thinking and how these ideas have fed into art making from 1940 to the present. 6. Art and Postmodernism– we will explore what postmodernism might mean, focussing on the ideas of Jean-Francois Lyotard and a wide range of examples of postmodern art making.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand of the relationship between a range of key philosophical and psychological ideas and art made from the 19thc to the present day
  • Identify feminist thinking and how feminist ideas have fed into art making from 1940 to the present
  • Explore the influence of postmodernism on art
  • Gain confidence in asking questions and taking part in group discussion

Class format and activities

Lectures and class discussion utilising a wide range of slides illustrating the art and ideas discussed.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements. This course will be accessible to you if you have no prior knowledge of art and design and is open to learners with varying backgrounds, as well as art practitioners

What you need to know before you enrol

This Course is offered in centre at Morley College Waterloo

What you need

You will find it helpful to bring a paper and pen for making notes.

What you can do next

We offer a range of long and short courses in art history at Morley and cover a range of periods and subjects of interest. You may like to opt for a lecture based programme or one where you visit galleries and study the art and artefacts. You can browse our full programme by searching "art history" on our website.
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