When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Jonathan Higgins
  • Course Code W24MPPC01C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Learn how to master for releases. Understand multi-band compression, linear phase EQ, limiting and plugins such as iZotope and Waves. Suitable for those who completed Mixing to Mastering or those with a good understanding of EQ and compression concepts.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand intermediate concepts of audio theory and how they relate to mixing and mastering
  • Identify how phasing issues can detract from your mix
  • Understand how to use metering to achieve the best levels for your mixes and masters.
  • Show an awareness of mastering practice: creating consistency across all songs, dither, track order, ISRC code
  • Adequately master an EP worth of material

Class format and activities

Practical workshops, discussion of student tasks. Taking notes during lectures and audiovisual presentations, Individual projects

Entry requirements

Completion of Mixing and Mastering 2 or equivalent experience (i.e. understanding of basic mixing techniques). Access outside of class to Logic, Pro Tools, Reaper, Ableton, Cubase is essential. A strong interest in music. Computer skills, file management, etc

What you need to know before you enrol

Although examples will be drawn from Pro Tools and Logic we can also provide Ableton, Cubase, Adobe Audition and Reaper. Due to the nature of the instruments/content of the course you might be exposed to high volume levels. We strongly encourage everyone to bring a pair of ear plugs to every lesson.

What you need

Pen and paper to take notes A USB memory stick to save your work Your own music / music by others to mix and master (This can be provided if necessary.) Handouts and materials given by the tutor Access to your own computer with audio monitoring (Headphones or Speakers)

What you can do next

Sound Engineering & Studio Production, Logic Pro Advanced