Dramatic Arts
This course covers aural recognition of chords, progressions, intervals, rhythms and scales/modes, incorporating some a cappella singing based on jazz standards. Suitable for any aspiring jazz instrumentalist and ideally taken with Jazz Harmony C. Building on Terms 1 & 2 of Jazz Ear-Training, improve your ability to recognise rhythms, intervals, scales/modes, chords, harmonic and root progressions, as well as song structure and how to transcribe solos. Develop an advanced sense of time and rhythmic skills, important to any improvising musician.
Most classes will involve regular playing sessions focusing on different jazz standards each week, with a focus on how to develop your harmonic and rhythmic ideas when soloing . We will listen to some examples of great solos and look at how they are shaped and what devices are being used to maintain harmonic and rhythmic interest throughout.
You will have previously attended Terms and 2 of 'Jazz Harmony and Ear Training' or have equivalent knowledge gained from playing experience or outside/private study. The course is designed to be modular so new students can join in each term, but please take advice from the tutor beforehand so you know what will be expected and to make sure you get the most out of the sessions..
You will need to do regular practise outside of the meetings, to make the most of the material learned in class. The teacher will give guidance about what to focus on each week and you will get feedback at each session.
You will need to bring your instrument to most classes, including your own lead if you play guitar or bass. Amps are provided by the college.