When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Florence Marfo
  • Course Code W24HMSA08A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Introduction to the Harlem Renaissance is a course that will teach you a little bit about the literature and art of this movement. You will learn about the philosophy of the Harlem Renaissance, the main architects and some of the work that the produced. You will also be encouraged to reflect on the impact of this movement from the 21st century

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • discuss the major architects of the Harlem Renaissance
  • identify some of the literary themes that Harlem Renaissance writers explored
  • talk about a few Harlem Renaissance texts

Class format and activities

Tutor presentation, opportunities to learn with peers and to explore your own areas of personal interest regarding the Harlem Renaissance.

Entry requirements

It's important the students have the habit of reading and /or theatre-going.

What you need to know before you enrol


What you need

Pen and notebook

What you can do next

A number of literature classes in the Humanities & Languages Department