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Dates Available

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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Late starts accepted
  • Tutor Multiple
  • Course Code W24ESLD02D
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

You understand and speak some English and may have experience of living and working in the UK. You read and write in your language and use the Roman alphabet. In this two term class, you will learn to use English more confidently and prepare for exams at the end of Term 2.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Work towards language features to identify meaning in a text
  • Work towards identifying the purpose of a written text

Class format and activities

You will: work individually, in pairs and in groups to develop language skills and confidence - practise listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Entry requirements

At our Advice & Guidance days, you will need to take a test and speak to a teacher before you can enrol.

What you need to know before you enrol

Good progress depends on good attendance, regular practice of English and completing homework

What you need

Lined A4 paper or notebook. Pen and pencil, rubber, A4 file. A smartphone or tablet will be useful in class.

What you can do next

The teacher will advise you on the next step.
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