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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Anna Chrysopoulo
  • Course Code K24MCAC15C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Challenge your skills and expand your approach to glass casting! This immersive workshop is designed for glassmakers eager to refine their expertise and explore advanced casting techniques. Building on existing skills, deepen your understanding of specialist materials, techniques and processes An opportunity to further develop your knowledge of advanced casting processes through introduction, recap and extended demonstrations; refine your craftsmanship; explore techniques and develop making skills including master model and mould-making, lost-wax and core-casting, alongside cold-working applications; expand your understanding of kiln firings and kiln programming. This project-based course allows you to develop and execute personal glass projects with expert guidance. Projects are developed in consultation with your tutor, ensuring a tailored learning experience that aligns with your artistic vision. Translate and communicate ideas and designs into successful glass objects, continuously evaluating and refining your work with tutor support. Join us to push the boundaries of casting and bring your creative ideas to life!

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Apply advanced kiln-formed glass techniques safely, following health and safety guidelines.
  • Work independently and confidently in a specialist glass studio environment.
  • Assess and select appropriate materials for casting techniques.
  • Identify key processes and techniques at various stages of glass production
  • Experiment with extended glass casting methods to create a finished work.


  • Full fee
  • Concession fee
  • Class format and activities

    You will work independently to design and make kiln-formed glass forms using a range of design and technical skills. Exploration of materials and techniques is encouraged. Learners will be working on individual self-directed projects guided by your tutor Anna Chrysopoulo. Teaching takes place in a practical workshop setting, including both presentation, discussion and demonstration. Informal assessment will take place on a continual basis throughout the course using observation, and a group Learner presentation at the end of the course outlining the development of individual projects. To ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive environment.

    Entry requirements

    Previous experience working with glass is required.

    What you need to know before you enrol

    This course is not suitable for beginners. The fee includes tuition, some materials, alongside use of specialist equipment, including glass kiln firings etc. Learners will be expected to purchase their own Kiln-formed glass materials such as alternative glass types (guidance will be given by the tutor on the first session). You may need to purchase your own small tools, and possibly some additional materials depending on individual projects, as advised by your tutor.

    What you need

    It would be helpful to bring a sketchbook/notebook, pencils/pen/marker pen etc. You will need to wear sturdy shoes, boots or trainers (no open sandals); an apron. We have basic tools in the workshop which have been adapted to facilitate a safe learning environment. Glass and other materials are available for sale to students, however, Learners may want to buy or bring in their own resources, to have a wider variety in choice of materials.

    What you can do next

    This course will provide confidence to work independently towards your own professional development. With these transferable skills learners can further develop creative potential and expand learning within 3D studies: we encourage progression onto other intermediate or advanced courses within our glass provision at Morley: these may include the Btec Level 2 or 3 in Glass as well as other courses in Art & Design the college provides. Please speak with your tutor for further advice or information.
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