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There are other versions of this course available. We’ve listed them below and summarized the differences between the one that you are currently viewing.

When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Fatemeh Takht Keshian
  • Course Code W24PDGB03F
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Come and explore various contemporary art galleries and exhibition spaces, commercial galleries, and museums in London. Each week you will visit a different exhibition exploring a variety of artists, and themes in contemporary art practice such as – time and memory, identity, the body, globalization and migration, technology, post-colonial theory, institutional and political critique. The course is dependent on the diverse exhibition diary of galleries and museums in London and the focus of the course is to discuss the works on display in an informed way. Most sessions include short talks on the artist/ works and themes as well as facilitated group discussion. Follow-up research materials are made available online for those wishing to broaden their understanding. Both practicing artists and non-artists alike may find this course useful in keeping pace with the international contemporary art world.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop confidence when engaging with contemporary art
  • Build on your knowledge of London’s contemporary art galleries and museums
  • Gain an understanding of current ideas, strategies, methods and techniques of both established and emerging contemporary artists
  • Develop confidence in discussing your own understanding of contemporary art and artistic practice in the gallery context

Class format and activities

Please note this course will take place in various London art galleries and museums. You will be looking at, discussing, and enjoying international contemporary art in the gallery context. Using London’s rich array of commercial galleries and art museums each week will focus on an artist or exhibition whose work is informed by ideas in contemporary art practice. You will have time to view artworks before discussing works on display through a facilitated group and one to one discussion. The aim of the course is to analyse and discuss the artworks in a meaningful way, and build an understanding of contemporary art practice, within a supportive and friendly group environment. In order to ensure that you make the best possible progress on your course, you will have regular and detailed feedback from your tutor, in a constructive and supportive environment.

Entry requirements

There is no prior knowledge of contemporary art required. This course is aimed at those who enjoy visiting art galleries, looking at art, and would like to understand more about contemporary art practice in the gallery context.

What you need to know before you enrol

You do not need any specialist knowledge of art, though an interest in contemporary art is desirable.

What you need

A lightweight notebook would be useful to make notes in galleries. Please note this course takes place in galleries all around London you will need to consider the (occasional) additional cost of exhibition entrance fees and arrange your own transport to and from galleries. Help and encouragement will be given during class, and materials will be made available online to support your learning, through your Morley account.

What you can do next

Students often continue with consecutive terms on this course as each term looks at new exhibitions. Students may wish to progress to other courses at Morley College such as specialist art history, art practice, and art theory courses.
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