When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Nikki Santilli
  • Course Code W24DNEE02C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

The summer term for Swing dance students at Morley is dedicated to performance. You will learn one or more choreographed routines together with techniques specific to staging. There will be an opportunity to perform – either live, or in a filmed environment. Achievement on your course will be measured by whether you meet the following learning outcomes. At the start of the course you will have an opportunity to discuss these with your tutor and set your own personal targets, linked to the learning outcomes and future goals i.e. progression to an advanced-level course.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Dance a choreographed routine (partnered and non-partnered elements)
  • Have the opportunity to input into the choreography
  • Apply performance techniques to your lindy hop
  • Perform the routine before either a live audience or video camera

Class format and activities

The class will start with a warm up. You will then be given choreography and instructions for staging it. Within that framework, you will be invited to make suggestions for the choreography and/or staging, so that the final work is a collaboration between the tutor and the group. The class will be a blend of tutor-led instruction, group practice and small group/partner work to focus on specific areas and to find solutions to staging/choreographic issues that arise In order to ensure you make the best possible progress on your course and to ensure that all modes of attendance are equally acceptable, you will have regular constructive and supportive feedback from your tutor.

Entry requirements

To join the Level 2 Performance course you need to have completed Level 1 (Lindy Hop) or demonstrate that you are at an equivalent level. A reasonable degree of fitness is required.

What you need to know before you enrol

Term 3 is dedicated to Performance Lindy Hop which is different to social Lindy Hop. Some non-partnered dance will be included. Students will work in small groups and in 1 to 1 partnerships and as a class. You do not need to book with a partner, although to do so will help keep the class balanced for leads and follows Aside from Covid safety consideration, please be aware that Authentic Jazz/Swing Dance includes breakaways and jazz steps so an element of non-partnered dancing will form a part of your study. Excellent attendance and punctuality will be required from all students. This course will include activities outside class time, e.g. extra practice, watching supporting clips. Photography and film recording of class activities may be used in order to aid learning. These images may also be used for publicity or marketing materials produced by Morley College, both online and in print. You will have the opportunity to either confirm or decline consent to being filmed or photographed.

What you need

Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. A bottle of water. Shoes: Ideally a flat or low heel. Jazz-dance or character shoes. Plimsoles or tennis shoes but no trainers or stilettos

What you can do next

Take on more performance opportunities/continue on to the next level and/or complementary styles of dance and performance. Your tutor will be able to assess if you are ready to progress on to a higher level, as well as suggest complementary styles of study to enhance your current practice, including music and drama studies. You may also visit our website or contact dance@morleycollege.ac.uk