When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Multiple
  • Course Code W24CCLH02C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

For instrumentalists of Grade 8 (ABRSM) standard upwards. A practical class with opportunities for concert performances. Students can join in any term, subject to audition.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Know how to supervise your rehearsals with a view to forming your own ensemble
  • Have more confidence when performing with other musicians
  • Establish musical contacts with other performers
  • participate in at least two contrasting chamber ensembles on repertoire from at least two different historical periods of music

Class format and activities

You will select and suggest repertoire to the tutor who will then schedule class of three 40 minute rehearsal sessions, some of them coached by the tutor. A final class session is timetabled when one group plays to the tutor and the rest of the class and receives feedback. You will need to follow and contribute to discussions in English. Music Study can include the use of digital resources such as listening to recordings, watching videos online, using appropriate mobile applications and following Moodle -Morley's virtual learning environment- to enhance your learning inside and outside the classroom. Music study also offers a range of benefits including being an enjoyable way to enhance wellbeing. Music practice at Morley can also serve to enhance skills relevant for employment including developing creativity, developing high-concentration levels, building self-confidence, working to deadlines, being able to control nerves and working as part of a team.

Entry requirements

Students should have achieved Grade 8 on their chosen instrument or be playing to an equivalent standard. New students should contact the music department to discuss their eligibility and should visit the first class of the term to undertake a short, informal audition before enrolling. Existing students are assessed at the end of the academic year and are either accepted onto the course in the following year, or asked to re-audition.

What you need to know before you enrol

Regular practising is essential for all students on the course. Excellent attendance and punctuality is required from all players. This course requires study/completion of activities outside of class time.

What you need

All music and parts required for your chosen repertoire. Music stands are provided.

What you can do next

You can expect to achieve a high enough standard to work towards Diploma examinations. Keen students may gain Entry level standard to music college. You can usefully repeat this course. You may also be interested in joining the 'Morley Chamber Orchestra', the 'Piano Duos & Duets' course or any of the advanced instrumental courses Morley College offers.