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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Hanna Sierzputowska
  • Course Code W24DNEF01C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Social dancing is back in fashion so come and learn basic movements to some of the ballroom and Latin styles - as seen on TV and danced socially. You’ll learn not only steps but also coordination and timing, while making new friends and becoming fitter and more confident. This course is aimed at beginners and those returning to dance after time away. Each term during the year covers three different styles.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate basic figures in the Quickstep, Rumba, and Paso Doble individually and in relation to a partner.
  • Demonstrate good technique at a basic level.
  • Identify and dance a style applicable and appropriate to a variety of music played.
  • Explain and show good dance etiquette.

Class format and activities

You will learn as one of a group and in co-operation with others. The teacher will model the movement and describe it verbally. Learners will practise without and thereafter with a partner. Leaders and followers will change partners in a prescribed, systematic way (although those who wish to be exclusive will be accommodated). The teacher will provide individual feedback. Additional learning resources will be provided as appropriate.

Entry requirements

This course is for beginners or returns to ballroom and Latin. No experience is required.  No partner is required. You must have a basic understanding of spoken English. No more than a normal level of fitness and mobility is required.  If you are pregnant or have any health problem you should consult your GP or specialist physician before enrolling on this course. You should tell the tutor of any physical movement or activity you have been advised to avoid.

What you need to know before you enrol

Good attendance and punctuality is required. Practice outside class time is beneficial. Photography and movie recording of class activities may be used for publicity or marketing purposes but only with your consent.

What you need

Shoes that are comfortable, secured to your foot at the heel, and non-stick (trainers are not suitable). Clothing which allows you to move freely. Water.

What you can do next

Ballroom and Latin dance courses for beginners in styles not yet covered and intermediate courses. For information about this and other dance study at Morley look at a printed prospectus or our website.
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