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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Selena Kay
  • Course Code W24CCLB07C
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

In this practical course you will develop your ear and sense of relative pitch with tonic solfa. The course will focus on sight-singing as well as pitch recognition, with the goal to 'hear what you see and see what you hear'.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand rationale for using solfa to develop the inner ear
  • Learn drills to improve fluency with solfa
  • Develop sensitivity to stable and unstable tones
  • Sight sing and transcribe melodies and rhythms
  • Develop strategies to practice and improve sight-singing

Class format and activities

This course is highly practical, involving listening, singing, and some movement. The classes will involve a variety of activities including singing exercises and drills, sight-singing melodies, memorising material, and transcribing melodies and rhythms (writing down what you hear).

Entry requirements

Ability to pitch notes with your voice, and some basic knowledge of music reading/theory, as well as enthusiasm to develop your aural skills.

What you need

Pencil and eraser.

What you can do next

There are ABRSM theory courses running at a variety of levels if you want to improve your theory, as well as a variety of singing courses and choirs.
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