Starts: 23 Apr 2025
In this practical course you will develop your ear and sense of relative pitch with tonic solfa. The course will focus on sight-singing as well as pitch recognition, with the goal to 'hear what you see and see what you hear'.
In this practical course you will develop your ear and sense of relative pitch with tonic solfa. The course will focus on sight-singing as well as pitch recognition, with the goal to 'hear what you see and see what you hear'.
This course is highly practical, involving listening, singing, and some movement. The classes will involve a variety of activities including singing exercises and drills, sight-singing melodies, memorising material, and transcribing melodies and rhythms (writing down what you hear).
Ability to pitch notes with your voice, and some basic knowledge of music reading/theory, as well as enthusiasm to develop your aural skills.
Pencil and eraser.