When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Radmila Topalovic
  • Course Code K24SHEP01A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This course is for anyone who wants to find out more about Physics for fun or for future study. Learn the basic fundamentals and principles of Physics in a series of fun, hands-on sessions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Observe the effects of heating on different materials and explain the particle theory of matter
  • Describe the characteristic properties of light and sound
  • Investigate electricity in circuits and understand electricity in our homes
  • Investigate forces and understand the laws of motion
  • Explain how energy is transformed from one form to another
  • Use apparatus, measuring techniques and materials in the laboratory

Class format and activities

A series of fun and engaging sessions delivered by a subject specialist in Physics. You will learn through practical activities, demonstrations, videos, and discussion. Achievement on your course will be measured by obtaining the learning outcomes above. At the start of the course you will have an opportunity to set your own personal target for the day, linked to the learning outcomes and any future goals i.e.: progression to a further physics course

Entry requirements

Open to all - no prior knowledge necessary.

What you need to know before you enrol

This course includes practical work in the science laboratory. You should wear sensible shoes and be prepared to wear a lab coat and tie your hair back if necessary. For further course information please email science.enquiries@morleycollege.ac.uk

What you need

A notepad and pen would be useful. All other materials and handouts will be provided.

What you can do next

Help your children with Physics at Key Stage 2 and 3.Explore other areas of Science with our other Key Concepts courses. Apply to study a Level 2 course in Science or Physics such as GCSE.