When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Multiple
  • Course Code W24DNEC07A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Leading on from the success of our initial, single day course in September 2021, followed by a two-day course in the summer term 2022 and spring term 2023, our latest scheduling of ‘Zarzuela 101: Dance and Opera Performance Workshop’ will take place over two days during the spring half-term week 2024: Monday, February 12th and Tuesday, February 13th (10:00 – 16:00 each day). The course will be led by opera tutor and director Jorge Balça and Spanish dance and flamenco tutor and choreographer Fenella Juanita Barker. Your study will be supported by live piano accompanist and coach Panaretos Kyriatzidis. Please note: entry is via audition / tutor confirmation and the deadline to enrol is Friday, 2nd February. To request an audition or more information, please contact jorge.balca@morleycollege.ac.uk (singers); fenella.barker@morleycollege.ac.uk (dancers); or admin@morleycollege.ac.uk as soon as possible. Zarzuela: Spanish Operetta - a Spanish lyric-dramatic performance form that alternates between spoken and sung content, the latter incorporating operatic and popular songs, as well as dance. A unique opportunity for opera singers and Spanish / Flamenco dancers to experience the beauty of the Spanish Zarzuela. During this intensive two-day workshop you will study arias, an ensemble and choreographies from a selection of Zarzuelas and perform them in a sharing at the end of the two days. Opera singers will also have the opportunity to study movement and dancers to study song. You will be working with professional artists from the world of opera and Spanish dance. Additionally, there will be two pre-workshop sessions on Monday, February 5th: two hours for dancers (onsite and online participation) and two hours for singers (online participation only).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify one or more sung and /or danced sections from a selected Zarzuela
  • Identify and demonstrate elements of the physical and vocal style of Zarzuela
  • Singers will be able to perform an aria from a selected Zarzuela with the appropriate use of voice and style
  • Dancers will be able to perform a choreography from a selected Zarzuela with the appropriate style and use of castanets (if appropriate)
  • Singers will recognise the movement style required in this art form
  • Dancers will recognise the vocal style required in this art form

Class format and activities

Mode of delivery: in centre. The tutors may provide additional material such as video recaps and/or practical tasks via any of the online platforms supported by the College (MS Teams and Stream). You will be undertaking practical vocal and movement exercises demonstrated and guided by your tutors. You will be learning sequences through repetition of action so that you can master more advanced features of the technique. You will be responding (through movement, voice and rhythmic accompaniment) to sections from one or more selected Zarzuelas. You will be practising arias and choreographies with your fellow students so as to share your learning experience. You will have the chance to discuss your learning with your tutor and with fellow students.You will have the opportunity to perform an aria or a choreography (and to support other students in their performances) in an informal viewing at the end of the workshop. In order to ensure you make the best possible progress in your workshop, you will have regular constructive and supportive feedback from your tutor. In addition to your dance and vocal practice, study can include the use of digital resources such as film & photography, useful websites and connection with online communities of interest via social media to enhance your learning.

Entry requirements

This two-day course is suitable for advanced level students of vocal/opera and / or flamenco/classical Spanish dance. Vocal/Opera applicants: we are looking for mezzo and sopranos voices. Dance applicants: a good standard in either Spanish dance and / or flamenco is required, along with the ability to pick up choreography quickly. It is preferable, although not essential, that you can play castanets. Please contact fenella.barker@morleycollege.ac.uk and include details of your experience as detailed above.

What you need to know before you enrol

Excellent attendance and punctuality will be required from all students. This course will include the completion of preparation activities outside of class time, i.e., preparing arias, studying choreography on video, in the preceding weeks. Photography and film recording of class activities may be used in order to aid learning. These images may also be used for publicity or marketing materials produced by Morley College, both online and in print. You will have the opportunity to either confirm or decline consent to being filmed or photographed. Please consult your doctor if you are pregnant, have any serious health conditions or a history of injury. Please inform your tutor if there is any physical activity you have been advised to avoid. Repertoire (arias and an ensemble) will be allocated prior to the start of the workshop. Participants should be off-copy and ready for musical and dramatic coaching, for blocking and for choreography at the start of the workshop.

What you need

Dancers: Flamenco shoes (women) and flamenco boots (men). Flamenco skirt (women); trousers that allow for movement (men). A fitted top (no baggy sweatshirts, please). Castanets. A notebook for keeping a journal record of learning. Bottled water (screw-top). Opera Singers: Same as dancers (castanets optional) with the options of character shoes (women), latin/dress shoes (men) and character/drama skirt (women).

What you can do next

This workshop is a preparation for more intensive workshops in Zarzuela which are to be run in 2025.There are also a large selection of opera and dance classes offered at Morley. Please speak to your tutor for advice about progression at the end of your course. Your tutor may also suggest complementary styles of study from Morley’s exciting provision to enhance your current practice, including dance, music and drama studies. You may also visit our website or contact dance@morleycollege.ac.uk