Starts: 6 Jan 2025
Learn to set bezel, claw and flush settings. Set pear shape claw, trilogy claw, square corner claw, round basket and chase set a cabochon. Set up a cement stick and tools for setting work.
Learn to set bezel, claw and flush settings. Set pear shape claw, trilogy claw, square corner claw, round basket and chase set a cabochon. Set up a cement stick and tools for setting work.
This is a practical class and you will be learning how to use the jewellery equipment to set stones. We will be using pre-made settings and you may choose to solder one onto a ring. You will learn how to use various setting tools to secure your stones in place. Demonstrations will be given both to the group and to individuals as appropriate. As a group we will view and discuss work brought in as examples and/or made on the course.
The course is suitable for complete beginners or for students with experience of metalwork and jewellery making who are keen to develop and to extend their skills.
The jewellery studio is on the 3rd floor of the main building, there is lift access. You need a good level of manual dexterity to set stones and arm strength to be able to form metal. Some chemicals used may be harmful in pregnancy. Please let the tutor know if you are pregnant and they will advise you as to necessary precautions. Please do not attend the course if you are feeling unwell or showing any of the symptoms of Covid 19. Students are asked to bring in a face protector- a mask or face visor and to use the provided hand sanitiser. Please bring appropriate glasses for close up work and to observe tutor demonstrations. Appropriate health and safety guidance will be given as each new technique is introduced. You will be expected to help clean and put away your tools at the end of the class.
All tools needed to take part in the course are available in the workshop. There are some items you will need to purchase. Silver, gemstones and cast settings will be available to purchase from your tutor at a cost price (£5-£10 per project) There are approximately 6 projects on this course. Please bring an apron and wear suitable footwear- no open toe shoes.