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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Julia Colmenares
  • Course Code W24PDGA03I
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

This is a practical course aimed at those with some experience of observational painting and drawing techniques and approaches. The course focuses on traditional subject matter (figurative, still-life, landscape) at a more in-depth level, with an emphasis on extending understanding and application of established practical skills as well as experimental techniques. Learners will be encouraged to develop an individual style and 'voice' by identifying personal themes, interests and preferences for materials usage. Students will work towards personal projects as part of a programme that will include museum/gallery visits, practice-based technical demonstrations and group discussions addressing learners' intent. Attention will be given to particular themes prevalent in art history and in contemporary work.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Work with a range of drawing and painting materials and techniques in a personally focussed way.
  • Self-reflect on creative intentions by the use of a sketchbook
  • Create innovative artworks that convey a personal response to a given or self-initiated theme, idea or subject matter
  • Combine a basic understanding of contemporary, art historical and related contexts to support personal aims for work
  • Set an objective for a piece of work and assess its merits and shortcomings.

Class format and activities

Demonstration, studio practice and group discussion. Questions and answers, tutor feedback, observation and "show and tell".

Entry requirements

An understanding of basic drawing and painting concepts and approaches. Completion of Drawing and Painting: An Introduction or recommendation by your tutor, or presentation of previous work to course tutor for review.

What you need to know before you enrol

You will need to supply your own materials - please see below.

What you need

A smart phone for photographing your work will be useful. You will need to provide the following materials: Sketchbook Brushes A3 Paper Palette Basic Acrylic or Oil Paints (to be discussed in class) Pencils/charcoal/putty rubber Cartridge paper, light and heavier weight for painting

What you can do next

Other Mixed, intermediate or advanced level courses. Pre-foundation or Foundation art and design.
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