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When & Where

Quick Facts

  • Availability Yes
  • Tutor Jennifer Dean-Hill
  • Course Code W24SCIF02A
  • Suitable For 19 year olds and up are permitted on this course

What you will learn

Reiki (pronounced ‘Ray-Kee’) is a Japanese word for the Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is a completely natural healing method, accelerating body, mind and spirit’s healing process. Through giving healing sessions to yourself and others, a sense of balance, purpose and spirituality is naturally restored. Students will receive Reiki attunements which will allow them to channel this energy.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Connect to Usui Reiki energy and describe the benefits of reiki healing
  • Demonstrate Usui Reiki hand positions for self healing and seated treatments of friends and families
  • Provide knowledge of 3 Usui Reiki II symbols, usage, and benefits, and provide accurate drawings of each Usui Reiki II symbol.
  • Demonstrate scanning, beaming and Reiki energy for protection and distant healing.

Class format and activities

All in centre class sessions will be run within the Government/Education/College guidelines on Safe Distancing and Covid 19 related guidelines. Students will be performing treatments on themselves and family members or close friends. Students are asked to wear loose comfortable clothing allowing free movement of arms, hands and legs. Achievement on your course will be measured by whether you meet the learning outcomes above. At the start of the course you will have an opportunity to discuss these with your tutor and set your own personal targets, linked to the learning outcomes and future goals i.e.: progression to an advanced- level course. You will also document your reiki journey through a Reiki Portfolio including: Personal Growth Journals Reiki attunement Journals Perform self-treatments (5) Perform seated healing treatments for using Usui Reiki II symbols (5 case studies) Complete Reiki I Quiz Complete Reiki History Quiz Complete Reiki ll Symbols test Complete Chakra System diagram.

Entry requirements

No previous experience of Reiki is necessary. A good standard of English is required. You will need to be able to read and write in English to keep written records and complete journals. You will need to complete a confidential health questionnaire at interview to ensure safety on the course. Please inform the college if you take regular medication or have any medical conditions. The College offers a 1 day Introduction to Usui Reiki workshop during the summer school which can be taken in preparation for Reiki 1 and 2.

What you need to know before you enrol

You will get the most out of this course by attending regularly and practicing outside of class time. Excellent attendance and punctuality is required from all students. Students will be assessed through the course on both practical and theoretical exercises completed in class. All written records of your Reiki treatments will need to be kept in your Usui Reiki portfolio. You need basic computer skills to enable you to access online learning. This course is located at our Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Road, Stockwell, London, SW4 6RA. For further information please email

What you need

Writing materials (pens, paper and a folder for handouts) and drinking water. Also bring some antiseptic wet wipes or hand gel. Wear loose comfortable clothing allowing free movement of arms, hands and legs. The tutor will provide information on any additional materials in accordance with Government guidelines on Covid-19 safety in the first session.

What you can do next

Complete a Usui Reiki III Couch Healing course Take the Emergency First Aid at Work course
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