Applied Sciences

‘The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.’

– Albert Einstein

Ever wondered how the human body works? How gravity pulls us towards the ground? Or why ice floats on water? From basic introduction taster courses to an Access to HE Diploma, Morley’s science programme is proud to offer a diverse variety of courses that cover all levels of ability and all areas of scientific interest.

Classes are taught in purpose-built facilities which feature a wide range of equipment. This allows learners at all levels of study to participate in diverse practical activities and gain a full scientific experience. All courses are taught by our talented tutors, who are subject specialists and passionate teaching professionals, and will provide a wealth of experience and knowledge.

For those looking for a new challenge, we have several beginner courses which provide an exciting and hands-on introduction to the different subject areas. For those with a more general interest in science, we offer the Science Series featuring a range of engaging discussions on key current areas of science. No background in science is required to take part in these sessions. 

If you are considering going to university we offer Access to HE Diplomas in both Science and Health and Human Science. The Science programme prepares students for degree courses in pharmacology, chemistry, pharmacy, biomedical science, engineering, physics and earth science. The Health and Human Science programme leads to further study in areas such as nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions.

Whatever your interest in science, Morley College is here to help.  Use our Get In Touch page to submit an online enquiry or email to see how we can start working together to achieve your goals.