Equality and diversity are core to the mission, values and strategic aims of Morley College London. We are committed to the provision of an inclusive environment in which everyone is able to learn, achieve and work to the best of their ability.

We seek to create an environment of respect and understanding for all and a community in which everyone feels supported and valued.

We will not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment. Staff are responsible for reporting complaints of discrimination, bullying and harassment from both staff and students.

In October 2010 the Equality Act became law and outlined our responsibilities to:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations.

Morley’s governing body approved a revised Equality and Diversity Policy in 2020 and outlined its commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in a statement published in 2022. Together, these outline the College’s commitment to social justice and community cohesion. 

The scheme in line with the Equality Act widens the number of protected groups to include: 

  • race
  • disability
  • age
  • sexual orientation
  • religion and belief
  • maternity and pregnancy
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • gender reassignment

At Morley we also include people whose life chances may be affected by their social identity, in particular those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

To support our Equality and Diversity agenda:

  • We have an Equality and Diversity Steering Group, co-chaired by the Vice Principal (Student Engagement) and the Chief People Officer, which meets regularly and advises the Leadership team and Governors.
  • We have a comprehensive action plan to help us promote and celebrate equality and diversity.
  • You can access our equality and diversity plans and reports here.
  • We welcome all comments on the promotion and celebration of equality and diversity and suggestions for improvement.

You can read our policies here, or copies are available from the Library.